
 I started Relentless Boot Camp at age 49 in hopes to get healthier. After a year of going to my boot camp classes, I dropped some weight and toned up – but then an injury derailed me both physically and mentally. 

The loss of my dad on Father’s Day a little over a year ago started the downward spiral to my health. After weighing in at 298 lbs and having a flight attendant ask if I needed a seat-belt extender I knew I needed to get back to my boot camp classes. I rejoined Relentless Boot Camp and finally started working on my diet, which had been an elusive process in the past.

I had played rugby since college and at a decent level when I was younger, but now I’m in the “Old Man’s” rugby league. Before my weight loss I was big and slow. Now I’m more agile able to play the sport I have always enjoyed with more stamina and strength.

Just a year ago I weighed in at 298 lbs. I’m now at 225 lbs with only 10 more to go until I reach my goal! I have also toned up quite a bit. I recently bought a suit jacket that was a 48 regular – my last suit I bought last year was a 56 regular. I’m going be broke if I continue to buy new clothes! Also, this past summer, my physical concluded that my blood test levels were back to normal for all categories. I was even able to play in a rugby tournament with men 20 years younger.  I held my own and had fun!

Lost 80 lbs and regained his health and life back! 


I’m very thankful for my boot camp coach, Chelsea. She’s very patient with me and encouraging. She helps me reach my goals and push through workouts I might not enjoy. Working out the first thing in the morning is daunting, but it impacts the mood of my day in a positive manner. It has helped me me more positive towards myself and others.