
Before joining CrossFit Central I was actually in a bad place mentally. Due to life circumstances my self worth and motivation to workout was completely gone. In high school and college it was easy to be motivated to workout, but once I started the long journey of the work force, my motivation to work out slowly deteriorated. I was in the worst shape I’ve ever been in.

I live one block away from CrossFit Central Downtown. One day I walked in and talked to Nick Cordle. He asked me how he could help and what I was looking for. I told him I want to be the best version of my self. I’m not training for any race, not posing for any pictures, nor am I a professional athlete. I have a job and I’m getting out of shape. I need help getting in shape and need motivation to keep working out.

Man I love this place! Not only did Nick get me motivated, but the other trainers are just good people. They constantly are complimenting me and telling how far I’ve come. One of the trainers took me to coffee a few times to just invest in me and keep me motivated. Another trainer helped me dial in my nutrition and gave me fantastic easy to cook recipes. Bottom line…it feels like I have a community backing my goals. Since I joined, all my friends and family have commented on my physical change! I’ve lifted weights and accomplished physical tasks I never thought I could. I’m 26 years old and in better shape than I’ve ever been in.

John gained 15.6 lbs. of lean muscle and six inches in his upper body.


I’m not a professional athlete; in fact, I never played sports in high school or college. I almost never lifted weights and if I did it was nothing worth showing off. I always thought these types of activities and results are only accomplished by individuals who’ve been doing this their whole life or are celebrities with a huge team helping them. Now I realize that all you need is a spark of motivation and a constant flame of discipline.

This sounds cheesy but CrossFit has translated to all aspects of my life. Once I started feeling good about myself again, I was more secure in my relationship, more confident at work, and most importantly looking forward to the future. Others have seen my results, now my girlfriend Taylor trains with me 3 to 5 times a week. My sister has started using a trainer multiple times a week and has seen great results too. I can’t wait to see where I will be this time next year. I know with Nick’s help the results will come!