
I joined CrossFit Central in February 2015 to get ready for my wedding in August 2015, I wanted to be in the best shape I have ever been for that day. A couple of my friends used to do CrossFit and suggested that I give it a try. Once I started I was hooked.

My life before CrossFit was good emotionally and mentally, but I knew I had a lot of room for improvement physically. I was getting tired quickly, and really didn’t feel excited to take on outdoor activities that would require a lot of effort. Since I joined the CrossFit Central community I have noticed an increase of energy, I’m waking up earlier in the mornings and ready to start the day.

Max lost 30 lbs and 4% body fat, gained 6 lbs. of lean muscle, and went from running a mile in 10 minutes, now I run a mile in 8:30 minutes. 


Before CrossFit I never did any sport that would demand lots of effort. In 2015, I have done the Spartan Race, Rugged Maniac, Wipe Out Race and a couple of 5Ks. And, my team won the 2015 Turkey Lean Challenge at CrossFit Central. I also started riding on my mountain bike more often.

CrossFit has been an example for me of how effort and discipline can accomplish great things in somebody’s life. The bigger the effort bigger, the reward. Thanks to the workouts, I feel energetic, clear minded, and I do more activities with my wife and family. My ability to focus at work has also increased, which got me a promoted to Sr. Web Director. I now feel a good balance in my life when it comes to family, health and work, which makes me a better husband, friend and co-worker.