Be Coached


by Courtney Sikes

Here is an introduction to who I am, what I’m about, and how I have grown to be able to give back to the CrossFit Central Community.

Hiiii, my name is Courtney Sikes.  I am a bad ass wife, mother, friend, CrossFit Coach, Life Coach, and Entrepreneur.  I’ve had the ‘unicorned’ experience of growing up in the beautiful Austin, TX in the early 80’s and 90’s and totally get why people move here after visiting.  I have been with my husband Scott since 2005, we have two sons, Beau (born 2009) and Ty (born 2017).  

I am passionate about people and driven by transformation.

When I moved into the Brentwood neighborhood, I drove past CrossFit Central on Burnet Rd everyday.  And everyday for six years, made up that I was not good enough to join the ‘Double C’s’ and kept driving past what I wanted.  

Taking a risk

  • How will we know what can be achieved if we don't take risks?  How often do you imagine greatness in your life?  For many of us, greatness might seem far away or untouchable because we are so stuck in our daily routine of life or even feel like we are drowning in a situation at work, with a loved one, or with our health.

Getting ‘unstuck’ usually requires awareness, forgiveness, and risk.  

  • First we must be willing to look at our physical universe(awareness of what is actually happening right in front of us.)   

Who or what are we spending our time with?  

Who do we see when we look in the mirror?  

How are we impacting other people’s lives?

Embracing Transformation

For years, I felt stuck!  I knew I had so much to be thankful for and to be happy about but I was crying on the inside.  I was self destructive, had weird health issues that I couldn't figure out, I didn’t experience myself as beautiful, I was depressed with overwhelming anxiety, exhausted from bottling it all up…. And most people had no idea.  

Luckily, a friend invited me to Emergence.  I didn’t know what it was all about but I risked being vulnerable and went anyway.

Turned out, The Emergence Training (by Generative Solutions) was an opportunity for me to discover and realign the belief systems and mindsets that we're governing my life, so that I experienced a transformation in my ability to love others well and to live my best life… a transformation, free to pursue relationships and my life’s unique purpose with clarity, passion and power!  

Thank God I went!  My life was forever changed!   A weight was lifted and 

I began to be free from what I had allowed to burden me for sooo long.   I still love to attend  trainings and practice using the things I learn.  And every year since 2013, I serve an average of 150 hours a year to learn and experience how to better listen, communicate, love, share, and coach


By definition: the quality or state of being free: liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another: the quality or state of being exempt or released from something onerous.

I AM committed to Freedom! For me to be me and you to be you.  To live my greatest life and lead others to have more of what they want (what their hearts truly desire).  To be with others right where we are in life.  Appreciate the present, design my future, and always follow my heart..    


By definition: a movement or development toward a destination or a more advanced state, especially gradually or in stages.

A few months after Emergence, I took another risk, became a member at CrossFit Central, and Never looked back:)

When I became a member at CrossFit Central, they welcomed me right where I was in life…. They meet everyone right where they are and coach them to succeed their own goals.  

As the process continued, I become healthier and stronger, physically and mentally.


By definition is: satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one's abilities or character.  The achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted.

After experiencing some of my own transformations, I began to desire to help others to do the same.  I wanted to provide opportunities for others to have more of what they want (what their hearts truly desire) and be free from their own burdens. 

So, in 2014 I got certified and became a Professional Life Coach. 

I am proud to say that through coaching and trainings, I have personally witnessed and been part of hundreds of lives being awakened, renewed, and transformed from being coached. 

In 2016 I sold my car dealership (that’s a whole other story lol) and officially became part of CrossFit Central by working the front desk.  

Later that year, I became a CrossFit Coach.

Fast forward 2019: 

I am joyfully running the CrossFit Central Kids program ages 7-11.   

I have partnered in founding “The Art of Wholeness” through which I have grown Courtney Sikes Life Coaching.

AND I am able to give back to the CC Community by providing my life coaching program, sessions, and workshops to be purchasable through Wodify:):)

If SEEing is believing, I hope that seeing this article INSPIREs you to KNOW that being coached is a way to EMBRACE having more of what you want (what your heart truly desires) faster.  So that you may live your Greatest life and SHARE it with who or what really matters to you.

 “Your life is what You make it!”  

“Create Your life, make it beautiful, keep it healthy, be strong, risk….. 

and Be Coached!”

CrossFit Central
Courtney Sikes Life Coaching
The Art of Wholeness


My family and I are now stronger and healthier than we have ever been.  

Everyday, I continue to learn and grow and experience what I want, instead of driving past it!

Nicole Hughes