Natural Remedies for Cold and Flu Season


You fight back the urge to use the word sick. You even start chanting to yourself, ou tloud no doubt, that certain mantra. You know the one, when you start to get that feeling in your throat, or a bit of a cough “I feel fine...” “I feel great...” but each time it’s with a little less confidence.

You decide to go check out what’s in the Wellness Chest, aka medicine cabinet. The treasure trove of tinctures and bottles, lozenges and capsules from last time.

You start thinking, what should I have in here?  What could really help me push past this and not. be. sick!?

If you’ve had this conversation with yourself or a family member, I know I have, here is a great list of natural remedies to have on hand going into “cold and flu season.”  Of course the best way to enter any season is by doing the core practices that keep a body ahead of any illness. 

So let’s start there.

Top of the List

These can alway be on the top of any stay healthy list. It’s so much harder for infection to take place when you have taken care of your body. 

1. Hydration: Water is essential to almost all bodily functions, from lubricating our joints to pumping blood to our heart. In the colder months it has been found that people may drink less water and are more prone to becoming dehydrated for a number of reasons, including a diminished sense of thirst. Add drinks like coconut water and green tea to your hydration protocol for an added boost in minerals and antioxidants. Finding simple ways to increase your water intake can help you avoid illness and stay healthy.

2. Sleep: Healthy sleeping habits can help both prevent and overcome infections as sleep is associated with the production and release of various immune protecting substances such as proteins and protein agonists.  For instance, cytokines are proteins that participate in the immune response by targeting infection and inflammation. They are produced and released during sleep, which means that unhealthy sleeping habits can lead to a deficiency in these crucial proteins.

3. Breath work: Helps oxygenate the blood to push pathogens out. Diaphragmatic breathing helps expand the lungs and increases efficiency in oxygen absorption and supply. It strengthens the muscles of the chest, improves digestion and quality of sleep, and strengthens the immune system by reducing stress. So many good apps to set up a good practice. The Wim Hof method is a good place to start. 

4. Movement: As we head into colder months, sometimes it’s harder to get up and get moving. Find the path of least resistance and get at least 20 minutes of exercise daily. 

Top Herbals

All these guys are antimicrobial in a big way. And when I say anti-microbial I mean, anti-bacterial, anti -viral, anti-fungal. They have you covered.

1. Oregano oil: One word, Potent. Packed with many compounds such as thymol and carvacrol that crush inflammation and promote healing internally and topically.

2. Olive leaf Extract: The therapeutic benefits exceed help with cold and flu season, from phytonutrients like oleuropein to help with things like ear infections and heart health.

3. Garlic: Stops bacteria in its tracks and it doesn’t stop there. I did the experiments in biology lab to prove it. 

Top Homeopathics

These work with your body to relieve symptoms of illness.

1. Oscillococcinum - used to shorten the duration of a cold or if taken early enough to help prevent the cold from taking root

2. Pulsatilla nigricans- This one is for mucous membranes. So all that yuck in your nasal passages is no more.

3. Eupatorium perfoliatum-  for sneezing, dry-stuffy nose, hoarse cough.

Top Vitamin and Minerals

Always a good idea to have them on continual repeat. We are often deficient even in the midst of non-cold season.

1. Vitamin C: Powerhouse antioxidant, bring any vagrant microbe to it’s doorstep and watch it wither. (Not all vit. C is the same)

2. Vitamin D: regulates the functions of over 200 genes and is essential for growth and development, i.e. health and wellness.

3. Zinc: Vital for the immune system, your T-cells will fight for you. 

Fortunately, you can have an arsenal at home to boost your body’s immune system when the sniffles come calling. Find out which ones work best for you and have them on hand. All these can help shorten the duration of illness and help you feel better faster. When you have run thin on what keeps pathogens at bay it will ease your mind to know you have them on hand.

Oh, and don’t forget to keep up hydration in the cooler seasons. So easy to forget this one when we aren’t sweating up a storm.

*We are not physicians. Contact your doctor if you need guidance.

Nicole Hughes