
I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with food. I love to eat it, then I hate myself afterwards. My tendency has always been to grossly over-eat. Before LIFTOFF I was very stressed which lead me to eating crap. Physically I felt weak and overwhelmed. I was working out, but I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted. I knew it was because I wasn’t eating the right stuff or the right amounts. When I saw LIFTOFF Nutrition at the gym I saw it as an opportunity to learn about nutrition and try to turn a weakness into a strength. I had tried other nutrition programs in the past, but none that taught me the skills needed to make it last.

Donnie lost 13 lbs.
5.8% body fat
and gained 2.5 lbs. of lean muscle
His visceral fat went from 11 to 6!


The results I have seen since joining the LIFTOFF community have been incredible. Physically I’m down over 13 lbs., 4 inches in my waist, and I lost 5% body fat. I feel like a brand new man! But I think the biggest change that has come out of it is the shift in my mentality. I now eat with a purpose, not just to eat. I have a plan every day to eat at certain times based on when I’m working out and what we are doing in the gym that day. And I weigh everything! I now know much more about portion sizes. I’m eating less, but still feel full.

My mindset about food is the exact opposite before I started. Committing to eating right and following a plan has shown me what eating right and hard work can do together. In short, you can’t out-train a crappy diet. The results I have from LIFTOFF have impacted life outside of nutrition too. I’m still playing semi-pro football at the age of 37. I’m able to play with my kids more and not get tired so fast. The list can go on and on!