LIFTOFF Nutrition
21 Day Back to School Reset

Tuesday, September 3rd - September 23rd

The 21 Day LIFTOFF Nutrition Challenge will begin with a pre-reset inbody, measurements, and photo. For 21 days you will commit to the below and attend a weekly nutrition meeting via Zoom.

In this 21 Day Challenge you will commit to the below, daily:
1. Move your body everyday
2. Drink 90oz - 120oz of water everyday
3. No cheats
4. Stick to a meal plan
5. Eat 3-5 veggies servings everyday
6. Eat .8 -1g of protein per lb of goal body wt everyday
7. Eat 25% of daily nutrition in fat g everyday
8. Start day with 5 gratitudes
9. No sugar
10. No alcohol

21 Day Reset Current Member Cost: $98