Celebrating 14 Years with 14 Days of Giveaways!


CrossFit Central is celebrating its fourteenth anniversary! What started as a boot camp and a 500 sq. ft. gym in Austin, Texas has flourished into CrossFit Central Burnet Road, CrossFit Central Downtown and thousands of lives changed for the better.

“Fourteen years seems like a really long time. When we started CrossFit Central I thought it would be a fun thing to do for a while, then move on to something else. Year after year I came to find that being with people in our community, working really hard, and helping them improve was a gift. A gift that I get to do and offer to people. I love that this is our life. I love waking up at 5:00am and having the opportunity to positively impact people, every day. Being a gym owner, a coach, and working with so many great people has been a dream come true!” Jeremy Thiel

We want to say THANK YOU for being a part of our community! Over the course of fourteen days we will be giving away some awesome prizes (Amazon gift cards, Whole Foods gift cards, LIFTOFF Nutrition Gift Cards, and more!). Follow along and enter to win on our Instagram and Facebook platforms.

*To be eligible to win a giveaway you must be able to pick up the prize at our gyms in Austin, Texas.

Nicole Hughes