Toughen Up for Excellence

by Allison Outlaw

How did I go from struggling with a pathetic sled pull to clocking the fastest overall women’s pull at HYROX worlds?

I am recalling one day in particular where I was on the verge of tears because I could barely move the sled in my gym. This was after I’d already won 1st AG worlds in the previous season. I suppose I felt entitled—I got this! This mindset was great for confidence but terrible for growth.

I devoted more time to building my aerobic engine this year. I dropped 10 lbs which helped my running, but hurt my power on the sleds. In fact, all my lifting numbers decreased. Did I make a mistake? Would I be able to be at the same level as last year? The answer: no—you will be better!

Winning is not devoted to you. Winning doesn’t care what your name is. You must pursue winning over and over again—all day every day!

I walked into the bathroom in the middle of the sled workout, looked at myself in the mirror and told myself to get it together.

You will not cry out of frustration. You need to be better. Get a grip! Be Excellent!

I walked back out and struggled through the rest of the workout. It was ugly. Everyone at the gym was looking at me. I left the gym angry.

I had to go through the frustration of feeling weak in order to build my power back up for worlds this year. That is exactly what I did. Any time sled pull showed up on my programming I’d load up with the heaviest weight possible and would not quit till I was done.

I began ignoring the inconsequential energy of other people and only looked at myself. Week after week I got stronger and stronger. It’s not rocket science.

You have to be hungry. You have to be determined. You have to not care what people think of you and care more about what YOU think of you. Sometimes you have to be worried that you aren’t good enough. Sometimes you need to simply be tougher and have the patience to see yourself through to the end.

And then, once you think you can’t get any better...that is when you MUST get better. You begin the whole process over again. This is excellence. The question is, are you committed to this hard process for the rest of your life? I am. I wouldn’t want it any other way!

Nicole Hughes