
I joined LIFTOFF because I wanted some guidance for using nutrition to heighten my running. I was training for a fast half marathon with Rogue Running and wanted to dial in my nutrition. I have been a vegetarian for about 7 years and never paid much attention to exactly what I was eating because I wasn't having any visible issues. I just wanted to get a better understanding of how much of each macro I needed to sustain a healthy vegetarian diet for an active person. I was also extremely drawn to LIFTOFF with Lisa because I wanted a female to be helping me. I am a big believer in women helping women when it comes to nutrition and the way our bodies work. Prior to LIFTOFF I never thought too much about food. I always considered myself to be relatively healthy, but would also consume a lot of empty calories just to have enough to fuel a ton of running each week. I had never spent time thinking what could help increase my performance and nourish my body in a cleaner and more well rounded way. Physically I was feeling very drained. I work a very physical job as a sports massage therapist and was running anywhere from 50-70 miles a week. When I would come home at the end of a long day and needed food I would usually cook something quick like pizza and then continue to feel horrible the next day.

Half Marathon PR went from 1:30:50 (6:55 minute mile) to a 1:24:09 (6:25 minute mile)
5k PR went from 19:30 (6:16 minute mile) to 18:32 (5:57 minute mile)
2 mile time trial went from 12:12 (6:06 minute mile) to 11:36 (5:48 minute mile)


Results wise, I was always more concerned with how my performance would change rather than my body's shape. I used a 2 mile time trial as a monthly benchmark for progress along with how I felt during key workouts. I have felt amazing during the program. I was able to hit splits during workouts that I had been incredibly intimidated by only a few weeks prior. I dropped my 2 mile time from. 12:12 on the track to 11:36 on the roads within 3 months, which is an insane drop! I also dropped my half marathon time by 6 minutes, completing a 1:24 half marathon (6:25 minute mile pace) in October.

My mindset has shifted significantly to realizing how much what I put into my body affects what comes out. When I am intentional about seeking out larger quantities of whole foods that will be nourishing, my body felt better during the day and during workouts. Mentally I also experienced more clarity. I used my meal prep time as a form of self care- time that I would focus on myself and my week ahead.

LIFTOFF has shown me that taking time to seek out good quality things for my body really will make me feel better. I was getting to a point where I just thought I was going to be tired and stressed all of the time because of work/life/etc. LiftOff helped me realize that I do have power to turn things around if I want to, and that I will feel better in the end. Lisa helped me see how small decisions I make throughout the day (what snack I eat, what I do for ten minutes directly after work, what I talk about at the dinner table, etc) can lead to larger positive changes in my life.

Coach Lisa Bender Thiel
During the process Lauren decided that her 2 mile time would be a good indicator of success. She was able to take 12 seconds off her time and attributed it to the workouts along with quicker recovery thanks improved Nutrition. Lauren was coachable. She trusted the process and took the program one step at a time. It was fun to watch her recovery, energy and performance improve over the 3 months leading up to her race. She was dedicated and made simple changes that resulted in BIG successes!