
I decided to try LIFTOFF for a couple of reasons. Last year I had been working a job that was mentally and emotionally draining. It really took over my life and I spent that year focusing on improving my professional self. I recently started a different job at a new company that was a stretch for me to get, so I feel like I accomplished my professional goal from last year and now it’s time to focus on my physical health. Another reason is that I’m getting married at the end of December and I had put on some pounds I was trying to not think about. I was trying on wedding dresses a few months ago and when I saw the photos it was a reality check to improve my eating habits.

If you can name a fad diet I’ve probably tried it at one point. I had done the Whole 30, a brief time being “paleo”, even that maple syrup lemon juice cleanse thing a few times. I’m sure a lot of those types of eating work for some people, however looking back it was like I was always setting myself up for failure.

Prior to LIFTOFF I thought my relationship with food was good. I was careful on my carb consumption during the week and would only have “a few” drinks with friends on the weekend. I would meal prep for myself before starting LIFTOFF too, but that was more as a time/money saver than for health. Before LIFTOFF I can honestly say I was less confident with myself. I was aware that I was gaining weight and felt like I didn’t know how to stop it. It sounds so dumb, but it was emotionally hard going into my late 20s and seeing myself becoming one of those people who let themselves go after college. I used to love going to the gym in school. It was great for my self esteem and I felt like I didn’t have that anymore.

Since joining the LIFTOFF community I’ve seen a lot of results, some of which I wasn't expecting. I have lost weight so being able to fit back into my clothes has been nice. Besides that, my mood and energy have improved. I’m much happier and am much nicer to be around (so I’ve been told). Also, my skin has cleared up a lot which is a huge plus!

Lily lost 18 lbs.


LIFTOFF has changed my mindset by showing me what portions should look like. Before I was under eating on protein consistently and drinking way too much. Honestly, the WAG alcohol calculator has changed my mindset completely on drinking. I love that I have the option to have a beer, however I would rather eat a bagel instead. That right there is why I really like this program and think it will work long term for me. It’s flexible and non restrictive while steering me in a healthy direction.

I think the results I’ve seen from LIFTOFF have been beneficial to other people in my life. My fiancé is Type 1 diabetic and I meal prep for the both of us. Having healthy balanced meals has helped his blood sugar be more stable and less likely to be extremely low or high. Besides that, LIFTOFF has helped my wallet too by making me less likely to spend my money buying cocktails and appetizers. Overall, I would suggest this program to anyone!