
Prior to CrossFit Central I had been doing all sorts of different fitness classes and gym memberships over the last decade and I always struggled staying consistent. I went through a life change with a divorce and wanted to jump into something challenging and to take my mind off things, and potentially get back to my "fightin' weight". Before joining the Central community I was depressed. Somewhat hopeless. Didn't feel confident I could follow through on commitments I made to myself. I was also 30 pounds overweight. My back hurt. My feet hurt. I was using food and alcohol to cover up the bad feelings.

Since joining CrossFit Central my body has changed completely. I also finally look forward to going to the gym - and its mainly for the community and the challenge. I used to have to psych myself up just to get out the door to the gym. Now it is my favorite part of the day.

Cyrus lost 31 lbs.
13% body fat (from 25% BF to 12%)
and 4 inches in his waist

I have been going consistently now for over a year. I finally feel like I can trust myself to commit to something. And also feel very strong and fast for 37. I feel like a bad-ass again, which helps me in my career, in my dating and with day to day life. Getting through a 30 minute WOD where I want to quit so many times but push through has given me toughness and confidence that I can handle anything.


Coach Davis Collins
When Cyrus came into CrossFit, he was driven, wanted to create a positive change in his life. He did not need to motivation, because he beams motivation, he just needed instruction on HOW to achieve his goals he set. Now that he's made such a drastic change, he is a beacon for inspiration, and works just as hard to cheer others on in class! I don’t think he’s ever let the last person in class to finish a WOD, finish alone. Count on him cheering you on and giving you a high five when you finish. I enjoy coaching Cyrus for many reasons, so many its easy to just say because I love Cyrus, but let's pick some of my favorites. He elevates everyone around him with his infectious smile and positivity. Despite all the gains, he remains humble and willing to commit fully to instruction and learning. He cares about his peers the same as his own development.