top photo taken at the I AM Challenge benchmark, January 2020 | bottom photo take December 2020!
When did you initially join CrossFit Central and what drew you to CC?
I've been at CrossFit Central for over seven years. I wanted to try out CrossFit, I knew a couple of people who recommended it and I had heard it was excellent cross-training with road cycling, which I was doing heavily at the time. I came to Central again based on recommendations from a friend, but also because of the very convenient location.
Prior to joining CrossFit Central I was in a good place emotionally and mentally, but I was in a transition time in my life and I very much wanted to try new things and challenge myself. Physically I was also in transition. I was in my early 40’s, and in the process of losing 30 lbs .through diet and cycling. I wanted to complement that with some strength and endurance gains.
What results have you seen?
Over the past five years, I had gained some weight back and also suffered some injuries - the pains really affected my performance in the gym. But now in 2020 I have healed quite a bit, lost 15 lbs. again (-5% body fat, +4% lean muscle), and gotten a lot of strength back as well.
I had been in a place of being in pain, and thought I would be in that same pain for the rest of my life. This year has shown me that definitely is not the case! I may never be as mobile or quick to heal as I was in my younger days, but improvement is always possible if you are patient and dedicated.
This year has been challenging to say the least, did the community, CrossFit Central, or your workouts help you in any way during the pandemic?
I think the pandemic actually helped me overall. I started the year with good momentum thanks to the "I Am Challenge". When the pandemic caused me to suddenly be working from home, I had a lot more free time in my day! No commute, no hauling kids around, and a much more flexible schedule in general. Also, a need for some anxiety relief. So I was able to double-down on workouts. First at home via Zoom, then back to the gym when it reopened. I went from three workouts per week to six, and stayed relatively close to the diet I had during the "I AM Challenge".
For some, and I could have been one, the pandemic has been a vicious circle of stress -> binge -> sleep poorly, repeat. For me, it's been a virtuous circle: exercise -> nutrition -> sleep well, repeat.
What keeps you coming back?
Carey Kepler has been the most amazing and supportive person during all this - her passion and positivity always cheer me up even when I'm not feeling it myself. She hires the most amazing coaches! I've had several over the years at CrossFit Central, and have learned tons from each of them. And she has built and maintains a strong and vibrant community at CrossFit Central, which for me is irreplaceable. That little gym is a part of my life now; we've definitely evolved together over the years.