
I initially joined CrossFit Central in December of 2019. I’ve officially been a member for a year now. My has that flown by. Looking back I love the journey I’ve already made with this gym and excited to continue. My parents originally became members in September of 2019. They were poking at me for a while to get back into a fitness routine and reminded me how great I’d feel. I do struggle with change and trying new things. After a few months of holiday eating I was ready to get back into a gym. That’s when I gave CrossFit Central a try. Just like any “first day” I was a little nervous. Now they will have a hard time getting rid of me!

Prior to joining CrossFit Central I had not been active for a while. I was drained emotionally, physically, and mentally. I’d drink too often. I never liked to cook. I always ate out or went to a drive thru. More frequently I would skip meals from being too busy with work. Part of it too was because I stopped caring. The other part was because I turned to bad habits for comfort. I also was not in a great spot with challenges and loss I was trying to understand. Grieving loved ones at the time didn’t make it any easier. My faith in God turned to questioning Him. I gave up on hope and lost purpose in prayer. I knew how unhappy I was but chose to disregard it. A characteristic of mine, I do struggle with is being ok with not being ok. I’ve learned over time it does catch up. At the end of 2019 I came to a place I knew if I didn’t make a beneficial change to my lifestyle I would find comfort in a place that I did not want to be in. That’s when I decided to “drop in” at CrossFit Central that first week of December.

My results over the last year have been incredible. When I walked into CrossFit Central last year I couldn’t tell you I’d be where I’m at today. Because of the knowledge and support I’ve gained here by the coaches and community I am living a healthier lifestyle. I get better sleep, eat cleaner, and feel good. I’ve also learned that I love lifting weights. I’ve gained 5 lbs of muscle over the last year. It feels amazing to say that. Even with COVID I managed to gain 1/2 lb. during the shut down with their park/zoom workouts. I’ve always struggled with gaining weight growing up. A huge impact on that has been nutrition. I learned the way I was eating wasn’t going to get me the results I wanted (to gain muscle). Now I absolutely love cooking recipes and fueling myself with macro counting. Also my performance in the gym has been impacted in positive ways.

I initially joined the gym with certain goals. I was looking to regain confidence and control over myself. I lost that over the last couple of years and wanted it back. Mentally I am still overcoming many obstacles but constantly growing. Through the classes and coaches reminding me what I am capable of and that I CAN do it. I have broken down many barriers of fear that were built up, just by lifting weights. I didn’t realize how much of what I would overcome in the gym would truly carry into the outside world. Emotionally I definitely have that control. I still have challenges but I’m learning its part of being human. I’m also grateful for the friends I’ve made in this community. They are more like family. If it weren’t for the gym I wouldn’t have met a group of close girlfriends who have helped regain confidence in my faith.

When the pandemic first hit I definitely became more gracious and appreciate of the gym, owners, and coaches. Even through that stressful time they did what they could to be their for their clients with coaching, workouts, and equipment. I admire their dedication and creativity. As hard as it was keeping up with the “not knowing” during COVID I had fun with the park workouts with Coach Whitney and Clay. They worked their schedules and locations around us. It was more than we could ask for. I really enjoyed that time with them! I do miss it too!


What keeps me coming back to CrossFit Central? The coaches. They are genuinely the most supportive group of people who want you there just as much as they want to be there with you. They are each different in the most amazing ways. Venturing into other classes is nice to get different perspectives from each coach on things like weights and reps, modifications, advice, form, explanations, atmosphere…etc. Any class is a great choice with them. I get excited to see them every day when I walk into the gym!