
 When did you initially join CrossFit Central and what drew you to CrossFit Central?

CrossFit Central has a great reputation among the CrossFit community, and it did not disappoint! Great atmosphere, wonderful coaching and amazing people! I am from Cleveland, Ohio, and moved to Austin in June 2020. I was eager to join a gym that had great energy, would challenge me physically and mentally, and had like minded people that prioritize fitness in their lives. CrossFit Central fits the bill for all of that!!

What results have you seen?

Since joining CrossFit Central I have been doing Davis Collins' Barbell Conditioning Class. I am stronger now than I have ever been! Physical fitness has always helped me with dealing with mental and emotional challenges - and helps me to develop grit and perseverance in the face of adversity.

Editor’s Note: Let’s not forget that 400 lb Clean.

During the pandemic, I worked out in my apartment in Cleveland because gyms were closed, and it was too cold to do anything outside. My 3 day split would consist of 150 burpees for time, "Barbara" (5 rounds, with 3 min rest bet: 20 pull-ups, 30 pushups, 40 sit-ups, 50 squats), and accumulating as many pushups and pull-ups I could in the day!

What keeps you coming back?

The amazing, motivating, incredible people!