Prior to joining CrossFit Central I felt like I had hit a plateau with my strength and I never focused on gymnastics movements like handstand push-ups, chest to bar pull-ups or toes to bar. By joining CrossFit Central, I was putting myself in an environment that pushed me to work on movements that made me uncomfortable, focus on form, and just take my workouts more seriously than before. I have also grown mentally by coaching. Coaching has increased my awareness to how others move their bodies under the bar. It has helped me improve as an athlete with my own lifts and also sharpened my coaching skills.

Since joining I have dropped about 7% body fat, increased my deadlift by 35 pounds, increased my clean by 25 pounds and increased my snatch by 15 pounds. I can also string 3-5 handstand push ups together and am currently working on handstand walks. I’ve also grown more comfortable in my body as I continue to learn new skills and gain new strengths.

The mental growth I have had in this past year has been immense. I used to strive to look like someone else and constantly compare my body to others. Now I strive to be and feel strong in my own body and allow my body to transform naturally by practicing healthy nutrition habits, intentional training habits and really focusing on my why.

The community here is amazing. Being able to come in and coach classes and nutrition challenges gives me a space to make a positive impact on someone else in a field that I love. I get to meet and coach people that have been doing CrossFit for years and people that have never lifted a dumbbell before. We are all learning and even though I get to coach and teach, I still learn something new every day at CrossFit Central