We've been at Central since 2019, but have been doing CrossFit for over 10 years now. When we joined the CrossFit Central community we were looking to continue to challenge ourselves at work and at the gym.

Our story might be a little different in that fitness has been a pretty significant part of our lives for the last twenty years or so. As I have gotten older (I just turned 40), I look at CrossFit more as a tool to make sure that I can keep doing the things I love to do. I hope we're still doing this in 40 years - if so, that means that we'll still be doing all of the other sports/activities that we can't imagine not being able to do.

I've noticed over the years how much exercise affects our overall wellbeing. If I don't get up in the morning and head to the gym, I don't feel like I ever really wake up. I've also noticed that my mood is not as light on those days, so we just try to move everyday (even though Tay is much better at this on the off days).

Now that we have our 19 month old daughter, we're constantly reminded of the need to stay on point so that we can be the best versions of ourselves. Exercise affects almost every part of our lives: mood, confidence, how much we enjoy an activity, and our desire to keep learning and pushing.

The people keep us coming back. I love the 5:15am crew. It blows my mind that so many people wake up at 4:30am every day to go do something hard.