
I was about to turn 40 and a friend recommended I join him for the "bring a friend week" at CrossFit Central. It was great timing because I was feeling soft and weak and my overall mood was not great. My initial thought was that it wouldn't be for me, but after the first class I realized it was exactly what I needed. I joined in March of 2018.

It's amazing to see where I am now compared to five years ago. My results have evolved over time and keep evolving! At first I just wanted to get stronger, which happened pretty quickly. Then I really started focusing on getting fitter, which we all know starts with what you eat and drink. It took me a couple years to really figure that out. Then it's like a snowball effect—the better you feel, then harder you can work out and the fitter you get. And along the way, my mood has greatly improved (just ask my wife!). I also handle stress way better now.


I grew up surfing and mountain biking, which are individual sports that are more fun to do with friends. CrossFit is very similar. The camaraderie is what I enjoy the most. People are good at different things, so it's fun to see who does well with different workouts and I can push myself much harder if someone is sharing the misery.

In 2021 I had an accident while mountain biking and broke my right hand and fingers and my left collarbone that separated. I could barely function (and it was the week before the big freeze and power outage in Texas) . Carey and her team were great, they paused my membership during that time and told me to come back whenever I felt ready to start rehab. I started going on long walks and took a few physical therapy sessions outside of CrossFit Central Burnet Road. I started going back to CrossFit after about 6 weeks after the injury. I started off really slow, I could barely put the bar over my head. I didn't think I would ever be able to do toes-to-bar again. My accident is also what triggered my desire to focus on my nutrition in addition to getting my strength back. It was a wakeup call to focus on my overall well-being. I wanted to feel the best I could. Being hurt is no fun! I surprised myself and I think Carey too. Day after day, I got stronger and stronger and now I'm beating my personal best scores from before my accident. The CrossFit Central Burnet Road team has always cheered for me along the way.

There is a never-ending list of goals you can make with CrossFit. I had 3 firm goals this year, squat 300 lbs, snatch 150 lbs and clean 200 lbs. I've done the first two and plan to close out the third before January! My long term goal is to stay fit so I can keep up with my daughters for as long as possible.

When you crush goals that once seemed impossible, your mindset changes in all aspects of life. It may sound corny, but my confidence in life has increased since joining CrossFit Central. That combined with feeling strong and energetic, I'm in a great place.