I first joined CrossFit Central in mid 2021. I had just moved to Austin from Houston and had asked for some CrossFit recommendations from a friend who used to live in Austin. He did a little research and CrossFit Central is a place that he said had a good culture.

I was in a place where I needed an outlet and something that I could use to break up my day more. I was looking for something that could give me more energy to be a dad and and to keep up with my high paced career.

Since joining I’ve lost 15 pounds and I’ve gained a ton of muscle mass. At 40 years old I’m at 11% body fat. As a former athlete, I would still say that I might be in the best shape of my life!

I feel stronger physically but also mentally in so many ways. CrossFit is a thing that will take you out to deep waters every time, I don’t know how you can’t get mentally stronger doing CROSSFIT.

I came for the workouts, and now I stay for the people. I appreciate the people that work there. Their friendship, their customer service, and the way they carry themselves is incredible.