
I followed CrossFit Central for about a year on Instagram before getting the courage to walk in the door. The first day stepping in the door Amy Thiel welcomes me saying, “Welcome to the CrossFit Central community because that’s what you’re looking for right?!” She hit the nail on the head for me.

I competed in triathlons previously but have had a couple of setbacks that have kept me from competing in recent years. I was hit by a car while on a training ride in 2015 that shattered my right foot. Then I moved to Texas in 2016 and was still struggling to get back in the game. In 2017, my right foot hadn’t healed properly and so I had surgery to reconstruct it. I went to a multi sport gym for a bit, but never felt connected enough to stay. I tried Camp Gladiator too, but just wasn’t accomplishing much. I had a personal trainer for about 6 months who helped me get back some strength and stability after my last foot surgery, but that’s hard to maintain financially. I needed to find a place where I could challenge myself and be around other athletes. I needed to find a community of people who thrive from pushing themselves to be a bit better each day. I needed to find a place where it mattered if I showed up.

Beckie lost 14 lbs. of fat
8% Body Fat
and gained 2.5 lbs of lean muscle!


Since joining CrossFit Central I’ve been able to increase my endurance activities with the added strength. I don’t bonk on long bike rides and have been able to increase my running miles. I’ve dropped 8% body fat and 10 lbs as well. I’ve been able to get stronger and leaner which is building my confidence that I can get back into triathlon and compete again.

I used to notice when I was the only female in class and cringe. Now I just show up and do the work and put in the effort regardless. I’m also encouraged to try new things that are challenging, Coach Chris Hartwell has an ability to break skills down into manageable components that helps me build up to being able to do the whole skill.

I work in Aquatic recreation and part of my job includes training lifeguards. So, I work with a lot of people that are much younger than me and in a field that can be physically demanding at times. I prefer teaching through example and I need to be able to demonstrate skills and rescues including pulling people out of the water. CrossFit has built my strength and given me the confidence that even as I age up in my field I can continue to train the next generation of lifeguards through example.

In September Beckie joined the LIFTOFF Nutrition Community and saw incredible results! Check out her experience in LIFTOFF.

1. Why did you join LIFTOFF Nutrition?

I feel like the workout part is easy for in the sense that I enjoy working out and challenging myself. I didn’t have the same commitment with my nutrition. I need accountability to get the work done and LiftOff provides me with that structure and external motivation that pushes me to improve my diet and relationship with food.

2. What was your relationship with food like prior to LIFTOFF?
I have a mean sweet tooth and can rarely pass up a sweet treat when offered. I needed to find the tools and mindset to be able to balance out my weaknesses for treats with my goals for fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

3. Prior to LIFTOFF Nutrition how did you feel emotionally, physically, and mentally?
I felt uncomfortable in my skin is the best way to describe how I felt prior to LiftOff. I felt like I knew a lot about nutrition but not how to apply it correctly. I’m still learning how to balance my emotions and not collapse into a nutritional tailspin when I encounter disappointments or frustrations.

4. What results have you seen since joining the LIFTOFF community?
I have lost almost 8% body fat and dropped 10 lbs.

5. How has your mindset and habits changed?
I’m a work in progress and know that I have a lot of work to do to improve my mindset. I appreciate having a nutrition coach that listens to my concerns, helps me reframe my approach when needed, and find the tools that will help me learn to navigate through challenging situations - like a trip to Disneyland with treats on every corner. Tracking food according to macros and not calories has been a game changer for me. For me, tracking what I can eat to hit my macro numbers is a much better approach than tracking calories and avoiding foods or labeling them “bad”.

6. Have the results you've experienced impacted your life outside of nutrition? How so?
My fitness has improved since joining LiftOff. I’ve been able to hit some running pace goals and feel more comfortable in my skin. An added bonus is being able to pull the skinny jeans out of the back of my closet and dust them off!!

Coach Lisa Thiel

“Beckie is an athlete at heart. I have seen her bring back her competitive spirit and love for sport/movement. She does not shy away from things that she needs to improve upon. Beckie is a light in any class she attends - her attitude and effort are contagious. I also have had the pleasure of working with Beckie in LiftOff - watching her mindset growth that has accompanied her physical transformation has been what I have enjoyed most.”