Powerful. Strong. Beautiful.


by: Coach Megan Miller, the Lead Women’s Only Coach at CrossFit Central Downtown
Find the beauty in strength!

Despite the proven benefits of strength training, many women do not lift weights for the fear of developing large muscles and gaining weight. They sacrifice muscle growth for mediocre-at-best cardiovascular workouts. It’s time to reverse that mindset, to find greater strength in women.

When you focus on strength training, you get more calorie-torching bang for your buck. Working with weight keeps your body burning calories long after you stop lifting. To achieve maximal health, women need to get stronger. Get under some weights and lift!

Female Strength Benefits 

If you think cardiovascular annihilation is the key to blasting belly fat, you have been led astray! Women who lift weights shed more body fat than those who don’t lift weights. It’s that simple. But why? Both will help you lose weight, but weightlifting helps people lose pure fat, while cardio queens simultaneously lose fat and muscle. Why would you ever want to burn away that strong, beautiful muscle you created?

The more muscle you have, the more fat your body burns. Muscle loss via cardio may drop your scale weight, but it doesn’t improve your reflection in the mirror and it makes you more likely to replace the muscle loss with fat. However, if you weight train as you eat clean, you protect that hardened muscle and burn more fat.


CrossFit is for ALL Women

Don’t be scared off by the people who think CrossFit is only for insane people, or is too intense for the average Jane. When done correctly, CrossFit is safe, effective, and fun! Here are a few benefits why women should CrossFit:

  • Everyone Is Welcome: Can’t do a pull up, let alone a muscle up? Guess what, not many people can. We learn how to scale movements and that’s how CrossFit can turn everyone from seniors to the average Jane into competitive athletes.

  • Camaraderie: You will work out with other strong women. We push each other, and encourage each other!

At CrossFit Central, we have a CrossFit program that is for women only. We do the same workouts that the coed classes do – but the class is all women. This provides women with an environment that is welcoming and FUN. You will find yourself surrounded by other like-minded women who’ll support and encourage you as the workout gets tough. Who doesn’t love working out among other bad ass women!?

The women’s only workouts are designed to be scalable to meet your individual ability and needs, so come give this growing class a try, won’t you? After all, this is your chance to break away from the kids, have adult interaction, enjoy a healthy break with like-minded women, and forge new friendships!

The Women’s Only Program

  • Weekly Women’s Only Class Schedule at CrossFit Central Downtown
    Tuesday 5:30am & 6:15am
    Thursday 5:30am & 6:15am

  • Weekly Women’s Only Class Schedule at CrossFit Central Burnet
    Monday – Friday 9:15am

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